Yoga bedeutet vereinfacht Einheit zwischen Körper Geist und Seele, aber auch Einheit zwischen dem individuellen und dem universellen Bewusstsein. Für mich ist Yoga der Weg der Achtsamkeit und Liebe im Umgang mit meinem Körper, meinen Gedanken und meiner Seele – aber auch mit meinen Mitmenschen und der Umwelt. Yoga ist eine innere Haltung die mich in Balance hält und umfasst meine gesamte Lebensweise. Matterhorn Zermatt Yogatherapie Yoga therapy finds more and more acceptance as healing method in the sense of complementary therapy. Being a holistic system Yoga has beneficial effects on physical and psychological issues. Healing never comes from outside – but always starts inside with the own inner attitude and the will to take the responsibility for your own life. Our soul always finds a way to indicate that we got off our own path. This could e.g. be by a certain feeling of senselessness, depression, fear, fatigue or physical sicknesses or affliction. As Yoga therapist I help you to get back on your own path, look inside yourself and follow a new direction towards wellbeing, happiness and health. Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of consciousness and seen as the most comprehensive form of all Yoga traditions. It combines sound (mantra), physical exercise, breathing techniques and meditation. Kundalini Yoga is always being practiced with an intension. During thousand of years the teachings of Kundalini Yoga have been kept secret and were only handed over orally from Master to those disciples that proved to be worthy. Kundalini Yoga is designed to heal body and mind, increase intuition and the ability to make and translate decisions into action. Regular practice leads to stable health, physical and mental balance and allows deep self-awareness, which goes way beyond the physical body. Kundalini Yoga is known for bringing significant changes very quickly – it is an experience of uniting the finite self with the Infinite. Once you gain this experience, you no longer have the need to look for your security outside of yourself. Yoga therapy should be done for a certain period – depending on the severity of your issues. During this time you will learn how to help yourself and how to make you feel save. Yoga therapy can help you deal with or get over e.g.: Physical issues Diagnoses such as cancer, MS, Parkinson, all sorts of inflammation e.g. rheumatism Addictions and compulsive behaviour Crisis such as depression, fears, chronic fatigue, burnout, stress related issues the desire for clarity a lack of self-confidence traumatic experiences etc. Procedure: After a detailed anamnesis to understand your actual situation and needs we will create a program which is designed for your needs. The program will include physical and breathing exercises as well as meditation and relaxation. I will make sure that intensity as well as the selection of exercises is doable for you in terms of time frame and intensity. The type and length of practice will always match your own individual requirements and will be adjusted during the therapy. With regular practice you will experience changes very quickly. A successful therapy requires your willingness to practice the also at home Duration of the therapy depends on your individual symptoms and goals. If you wish your Yoga program can be accompanied with nutrition counselling. This program is always suitable to complement existing therapies or medical treatments. I’m happy to cooperate with your doctor or other specialists. In exceptional cases e.g. immobility due to illness, yoga therapy lessons can take place at your site.